
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Literature Response Graffiti Wall

Recently during a snow day I was able to join a fabulous Twitter chat #mck4thchat with some awesome teachers in Texas.  It was a little scary to be joining my first chat with teachers I did not even know...but fun and exciting at the same time.  The chat teachers made me feel at ease. It was a great hour filled with sharing and learning.

During the chat one of the teachers suggested having a literature response graffiti wall.  I thought it was a fantastic idea!  I couldn't wait to share the idea with my 4th grade teammate in my building.  We decided to line a section of our hallway with the graffiti wall.  One side says, "Lit. Response" and the other side says, "Graffiti Wall". Our students loved the activity and were excited to collaborate and answer questions on the wall.  We will definitely use this again!

Since my first chat I would say I'm hooked.  I've visited several educational chats.  My absolute fav is #4thchat on Monday evenings at 7 CST.   You may even find me at a basketball game with my phone in hand, chatting to my tweeps, and learning more ways to make learning fun.

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